החוג לכלכלה ומנהל עסקים

ד"ר בידרמן אנטון
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Gheorghiu Aurel
"Study of budget efficiency of the activities culture and art"

ד"ר אורנשטיין מאיר
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Mihut Ioan
"Quality management in the sport schools of Israel. Case Study: Football"

ד"ר יוספה פלג
Scientific Coordinator Prof. Dr. Liviu Ilies
"Leadership in Education"

ד"ר יוסף בריק
Scientific Coordinator Prof. Dr. Anca Borza
A typology of small business opportunities of the Arab sector in northern Israel; a case study

ד"ר חיים להב
Scientific Coordinator Prof. Dr. Anca Borza
Strategies and policies for minimizing dropout from the education system, case study: Israel