החוג לחינוך ופסיכולוגיה

ד"ר מרזוק עזם
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Radu Ioan
"Leadership in classroom"

ד"ר בדלר אריה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Pitariu Horia
"Psycological selection system for the nautical military high school of Israel"

ד"ר ברמי אסתר
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Preda Vasile
"Psyco Pedagogical aspects of integration and prevention of violence in school"

ד"ר פנדי עזם
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Jurcau Nicolae
"The school’s contribution to educating against violence, and for interpersonal understanding"

ד"ר סלע ברכה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Ionescu Miron
"Pedagogical Aspects of Integrative Education And prevention of violence among students in Elementary school through “life skills” intervention / Program in 4th to 6th grades in Israel"

ד"ר יאיר צדוק
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Dr. Adrian Opre

ד"ר ברלדינו רות
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Dr.Vasile Chis
"The Teacher as a Supervisor and Guide in the Development of Independent Learners"

ד"ר עבד אל רחמן חוג'ה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Preda Vasile
"The development of creative thinking for 5 years old children – Jerusalem"

ד"ר יעל גרינוולד
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Dr. Musata Bocos
"Developing an Evaluation Model for Achievements in Didactic Dance Performance"

ד"ר גיהאן דאמוני ח'ריש
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Dr. Musata Bocos
The Relevance of Gardner’s Theory in Elementary School- Using Multiple Intelligence Theory to Help pupils in Third Grade in Arabic Reading Comprehension

ד"ר אשרף אבו אל וואליה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Preda Vasile
The impact of computer assisted instruction on the phonological awareness and working memory of the first grade Students whom identified as At-Risk for Reading disabilities in EAST JERUSALEM

ד"ר ענאן תותנג'י
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Dr.Vasile Chis
Effect of parental involvement on the quality of special education and students' behavior in East Jerusalem