ד"ר חלבי באסם
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Emilian Merce
"The poultry branch and management of broilers production in Israel"
ארכיון פוסטים מאת: admin
החוג להיסטוריה, ספרות ומדעי הדת
ד"ר אלי נחמיאס
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Victor Neumann
"The Histadrut: The History of the General Federation of Workers in Israel"
החוג לכלכלה מנהל עסקים ומנהל ציבורי
ד"ר ביטן דליה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Gheoghe G. Ionescu
"The management of Quality in Kinder garden"
ד"ר אברמוביץ צבי
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Gheorghe G. Ionescu
"Managing Vocational School by marketing vision"
ד"ר שפיגל רון
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Gheorghe, G. Ionescu
"Modification of Organization According to the Termination Model; Case Study: Zim – The Israeli Shipping Company"
ד"ר עטוה אבו הנזה
Scientific Cordinator – Prof.Gheorghe G. Ionescu
"The public Management and Administration of drug and alcohol use prevention among among pupils/inhabitations; Case study: Bedouin Sector"
ד"ר אפרת קדם
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Gheorghe G. Ionescu
"The Immigration and Absorption Management in Israel and America of Jewish Women from Syrian Origin in the Early 1990's"
ד"ר ח'ירי עריאן
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Gheorghe G. Ionescu
"Organizational and Administrational Aspects in High School Education (Six Years School); Case Study: Prevention School Dropping out"
ד"ר מחמד חליל
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Gheorghe G. Ionescu
"The Comprehensive six year school organization in Israel Continuity or separation between the junior high school and the upper high school"
ד"ר אשרף פטום
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Hortensia Parlog
Lexical Compensatory Strategies in Foreign Language Acquisition
The Language Proficiency Effect
ד"ר דביר פלג
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Gheorghe G. Ionescu
Management by Standards Aspects of The Integrated Management System
ד"ר זכריה ציוני
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Gheorghe G. Ionescu
The correlation between new management methods and productivity improvement in High-Tech factories in Israel
ד"ר מוחמד דיאב
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
Leadership Style of Managers in Institutions for People with Mental Retardation in Israel and its Effect on the Satisfaction of Employees and Parents of the Occupants
ד"ר זאב שמר
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
Management’s Challenge to Bridging the Second Language Learning Gap in a Multicultural Environment
ד"ר איצקוביץ סמדר
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
“The Impact of Public Policy Management On The state of urban higher education"
ד"ר ורד דורית
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
"The relationship between the formal knowledge and education of the management team members in ordinary school in the field of special education with regard to the school policy on integration"
ד"ר חדד ירדנה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
Teacher and School as an Administrational –Pedagogical Organization; Between Conflict and Harmony
ד"ר ואליד חדאד
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
Management Policies regarding Drug Abuse Treatment in Israel
ד"ר עו"ד אופיר מילר
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
ד"ר אימאן יוסף
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
MANAGEMENT of the Transition Process of Students From Junior High-School to High-School
ד"ר נרג'ס ארשיד
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
Management of Parental Involvement and the Performance of Kindergarten Organization
ד"ר אנסף אבו אחמד
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
Management of Disciplinary Problems among 8th Grade Pupils – a Comparative Study between Rural and Urban Schools in the Arab Sector
ד"ר פלורנס איזנברג
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
Protecting Truth—Combating Denial: The Challenge to Manage and Preserve Holocaust Memorial Sites, To Safeguard Authenticity and Perpetuate Memory
ד"ר אימאן פרח
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
Education in Israel:
1 .Managing and Organization of the Process of Students’ Transition to Junior High School
2 .Network Management in the Process of Transition from Primary School
ד"ר אוסמה עראר
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu and Prof. Doina Danaiata
The effect of management styles and school structure on teacher's burnout in Arab middle schools in Israel
ד"ר חוסין סריס
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu and Prof. Doina Danaiata
Parents' involvement as a lever for success for pupils and parents: what is the effect of school program of parents' intervention on pupils' achievements and their social status in school, in 7th, 8th and 9th grades?
ד"ר חוריה סעב
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu and Prof. Doina Danaiata
The Role of the Organizational Consultant as a Strategic Method for Promoting the Principal's Work and Scholastic Organizational Culture.
ד"ר מנאל איספניולי
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu and Prof. Doina Danaiata
Managing the implementation process of the educational system reform in Israel high schools
ד"ר סאלח אל אסד
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu and Prof. Doina Danaiata
The Influence of the Management Style of the School Principals in the Negev on the motivation and professional development of the Teachers
ד"ר רן בר עם
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu and Prof. Doina Danaiata
Reducing Dropout on a Budget: Case Study of a Novel Model and Intervention among Israeli First-Year Engineering Students
ד"ר בשיר גאנם
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
The Performances of the Public Sector in Israel
ד"ר יוחנן קרשנבוים
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
Educational management according to rabbi Hirsch's method and its implications on the Israeli management
ד"ר ירון ברוך
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
The effects of the big five personality traits and social media networking on job promotion at Israeli electric corporation
ד"ר רדואן מנסור
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
The Influence of Religious Belief on Management Styles of "Druze" Managers
ד"ר יהודה אלייה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu
Leadership, Accountability and the Relation to Service Quality in Public Sector
ד"ר נבילה פדול
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu and Prof. Doina Danaiata
The connection between satisfaction and motivation of teachers and leadership style in junior high schools and its impact on students' achievements
ד"ר סולימאן חביב אללה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Nicolae Bibu and Prof. Doina Danaiata
החוג למשפטים
ד"ר עזם מרזוק
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Draganu Tudor
"Druz minority and the administrative law in Israel"
החוג לגאוגרפיה
ד"ר זייד קובי
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Surd Vasile
"Patterns of old and new settlements and major infrastructures in Israel"
ד"ר חיים מויאל
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Surd Vasile
History of Avifaunal changes in Palestine according Bird’s Collections, Notes and Surveys from late Ottoman period
החוג לכלכלה ומנהל עסקים
ד"ר בידרמן אנטון
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Gheorghiu Aurel
"Study of budget efficiency of the activities culture and art"
ד"ר אורנשטיין מאיר
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Mihut Ioan
"Quality management in the sport schools of Israel. Case Study: Football"
ד"ר יוספה פלג
Scientific Coordinator Prof. Dr. Liviu Ilies
"Leadership in Education"
ד"ר יוסף בריק
Scientific Coordinator Prof. Dr. Anca Borza
A typology of small business opportunities of the Arab sector in northern Israel; a case study
ד"ר חיים להב
Scientific Coordinator Prof. Dr. Anca Borza
Strategies and policies for minimizing dropout from the education system, case study: Israel
החוג לסוציולוגיה ומדעי המדינה
ד"ר מולה מוחמד
Scientific coordinator – Prof.Mihu Achim
"The functions of the modern methods used in elementary education for the Development of interrelation involving students and student groups"
ד"ר חשאן חייק
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Nicolae Kalos
"Violence and political and every day life. A case study. Violence in Israeli school"
ד"ר הורדי אופיר
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Kallos Nicolae
"The Democracy and the Constitution in Israel"
החוג להסטוריה ופילוסופיה
ד"ר אכרם חסון
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Vese Vasile
"History of Druze community"
ד"ר מקלדה חיכמאת
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Vese Vasile
"The background of Druze Women (Historical Research")
ד"ר בהו אמד
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Geymant Ladislau
"Egypt between the French and the English Occupations 1798-1882 And the French Influence on Egypt"
ד"ר חטב יחיא
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Vese Vasile
"The 1936 riots in the west bank and in Palestine"
ד"ר האדי קאסם
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Vese Vasile
The Representations of Germans in American Cinema during the Cold War: The Attitude of American Administration
ד"ר אדי יאיר שקד
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Istvan Csucsuja
A Hundred Years of Women's Sport in Israel
ד"ר אן הנסן
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Vese Vasile
The Minor Religions in International Relations:The Case of the Mormons in the 20th and 21st Centuries
ד"ר מוסלים מחמיד
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Vese Vasile
A comparative Study of Military Thought: The Islamic military theory and Clausewitz's military theory and their Impact on contemporary wars in the Middle East from the1956 to the Israeli war in Gaza at 2008
החוג לחינוך ופסיכולוגיה
ד"ר מרזוק עזם
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Radu Ioan
"Leadership in classroom"
ד"ר בדלר אריה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Pitariu Horia
"Psycological selection system for the nautical military high school of Israel"
ד"ר ברמי אסתר
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Preda Vasile
"Psyco Pedagogical aspects of integration and prevention of violence in school"
ד"ר פנדי עזם
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Jurcau Nicolae
"The school’s contribution to educating against violence, and for interpersonal understanding"
ד"ר סלע ברכה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Ionescu Miron
"Pedagogical Aspects of Integrative Education And prevention of violence among students in Elementary school through “life skills” intervention / Program in 4th to 6th grades in Israel"
ד"ר יאיר צדוק
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Dr. Adrian Opre
ד"ר ברלדינו רות
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Dr.Vasile Chis
"The Teacher as a Supervisor and Guide in the Development of Independent Learners"
ד"ר עבד אל רחמן חוג'ה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Preda Vasile
"The development of creative thinking for 5 years old children – Jerusalem"
ד"ר יעל גרינוולד
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Dr. Musata Bocos
"Developing an Evaluation Model for Achievements in Didactic Dance Performance"
ד"ר גיהאן דאמוני ח'ריש
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Dr. Musata Bocos
The Relevance of Gardner’s Theory in Elementary School- Using Multiple Intelligence Theory to Help pupils in Third Grade in Arabic Reading Comprehension
ד"ר אשרף אבו אל וואליה
Scientific Coordinator – Prof.Preda Vasile
The impact of computer assisted instruction on the phonological awareness and working memory of the first grade Students whom identified as At-Risk for Reading disabilities in EAST JERUSALEM
ד"ר ענאן תותנג'י
Scientific Coordinator – Prof. Dr.Vasile Chis
Effect of parental involvement on the quality of special education and students' behavior in East Jerusalem
נורמות לסטודנטים זרים בלימודי תואר שלישי
תיקי הסטודנטים נדרשים להכיל את המסמכים הבאים